A website dedicated in analysing and admiring everything to do with the Real Housewives.
In a world that seems to be riddled with bad news, reality tv is the salvation we need. We're all lovers of people watching (whether you admit it or not) and reality television is another element of that.
This appreciation for the Real Housewives started off purely from being entertained by the show, I found it hilarious and dramatic, everything you could want in a reality tv show. A show that focused on nothing but the lives of powerful and strong women felt so appealing and since watching it over and over again the themes within the show have become more interesting than the show itself.
There is nothing more empowering than seeing a show that focuses on strong women and this website focuses on those women.
This website is dedicated to the lessons we can learn from the women and their show and this site will hold articles and essays written by academics and fans of the show.